Facial Fat Grafting

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Attractive older woman touching cheek and smilingFacial fat grafting restores volume, eliminates fine lines and deep wrinkles, and even addresses pockmarks and acne scars. The treatment is frequently performed in conjunction with other facial plastic surgery options to address issues including sunken eyes and hollow cheeks, that cannot be corrected through a facelift or similar options.

To perform facial fat grafting, your fat must first be harvested from a donor site such as:

  • The hips and waist
  • The Abdomen and flanks

Using liposuction, Dr. Brueck gently removes fat from the target area, sculpting and defining that section of the body. After removal, the fat is processed before being precisely injected into strategically chosen areas of the face.

Body Contouring and Facial Rejuvenation

Combining liposuction with facial plastic surgery can be a remarkably effective way to reach multiple goals at once. During your consultation at one of our three Florida locations, this option can be discussed in more detail.

Cheek Augmentation

As we age, genetics, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices begin to impact our appearance. Some will grow gaunter with age. Others will sag and grow heavier. Cheek augmentation with fat grafting is an ideal solution for both.

During cheek augmentation, lift and volume are restored to the central area of the face. Rejection of your body’s own fat is extremely rare while integration is much more advanced than with dermal fillers. Using your own fat may also help produce the longest-lasting results, continuing to produce a fuller, more lifted look for several years.

Is Facial Fat Grafting Right for Me?

Facial fat grafting can help you look refreshed and more youthful while liposuction can help contour your frame. During your consultation, Dr. Brueck will discuss all of your options to help you determine which will best meet your needs.

Call Beauty by Brueck at 239-939-5233 to schedule your consultation today. We maintain offices in Fort Myers, Cape Coral, and Punta Gorda. 

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Locations and Hours

Mon-Thur: 8am - 5pm
Fri: 8am - 3pm
Sat/Sun: Closed

Mon-Thur: 8am - 5pm
Fri: 8am - 3pm
Sat/Sun: Closed

Mon-Thur: 9am - 5pm
Fri: 9am - 3pm
Sat/Sun: Closed

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